Those Urban Farms Again — In San Francisco?!

Yep. In San Francisco. Some trendy folks are setting out to create urban farms on rights of way of abandoned freeways in Baghdad-by- the-Bay. It says so right here in the – Matthew Roth, Building a Farm Where a Freeway Used to Be,

But unlike Detroit and Flint, San Francisco lacks stretches of vacant land on which decayed and torn down buildings once stood. So how are they gonna do it? We’re glad you asked. They are dumping soil and mulch on top of the pavement and planting patooties, or whatever in it. They also plan to plant a hundred or so trees. How? Since you can’t plant a tree on pavement, they plan to plant them in pots so they can be moved to other location. Movable farms? That’s what they say.

See for yourself.
