The Doo-Doo Is Deeper Than We Thought

See Mary Williams Walsh and Michel Cooper, Gloomy Forecast for States, Even if Economy Rebounds, N.Y. Times, July 17, 2012, at p. A1. Click here.

Bottom line: “Things are worse than they appear . . .”

And the people who got us into this mess are the folks who, according to the courts, are so brilliant and perspicacious thatĀ their decisions regarding the creation of public works, their location, cost etc. are sacrosact, and once made are, according to SCOTUS, “well-nigh conclusive” — and as such beyond judges’ competence to review; seeĀ City of Chicago v. St. John’s United Church, 953 N.E.2d 1158, 1171 (Ill. App. 2010), noting explicitly that questions of condemnors’ ability to pay for the proposed project are not relevant.