And Now, For a Word From the Prophet

It’s been a few months since we ventured out of our eminent domain/land use law corner of the legal world, and into the never-never land of politics. We did not support or oppose either candidate, but we did try our best to confront the tidal wave of ideological bullshit sweeping over us, and to explain why Trump was doing so well. Our intention was to clarify why the people were so strongly — and as it turned out, overwhelmingly — in favor of Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy. Whether you like him or not, it was clear to us that in his angry rhetoric railing against the political establishment on both sides, he was on to something and whatever that “something” was — it resonated mightily with the people who were getting sick and tired of (a) getting screwed by the political establishment, and (b) being lied to about it.

We endorsed no one in that article, but we did our best to explain — correctly, as it turned out — why Trump’s crude, in-your-face, aggressively hostile electioneering rhetoric was resonating with the non-establishment people.

So if you missed our article, here it is, and if you read it already, it won’t hurt you to read it again in light of yesterday’s presidential election results. Go to