Ed McKirdy — R.I.P.

It took us a few days to recover from the shock, but reality must be faced. Our friend and colleague Edward McKirdy has passed away. He was a gentleman and a super lawyer whose presence enhanced any gathering.

We could at this point go on and launch into a string of complimentary adjectives, but it somehow seems unnecessary. If you knew Ed you must know what a gentleman, a scholar and a mensch he was, and what a privilege it was to work with him. And of course there was Ed the man. If nothing else, it was a unique pleasure to dine with him, and just to sit with him and Laura, his charming, one-of-a-kind wife and engage in the lost art of intelligent and witty conversation over a good meal.

Our profession is poorer for his passing, and we will never see the likes of him, his talents and his wit again.