Lowball Watch — Texas Style

Austin Business Journal (bizj.com) of May 10, 2012, reports (wsuit.html) that the Homeric battle between Harry Whittington and the City of Austin is just about over, having gone on for a decade. The report is that after originally offering Whittington a paltry $3,500,000, the city has now decided to up it to $14,100,000.  The Journal report is sketchy to put it with restaint, and we are still on the road, so details will have to wait. But we can tell you that Whittington was resisting the taking, successfully in the Texas Court of Appeals, only to see his victory (on grounds of lack of necessity) reversed by the Texas Supreme Court.

Whittington gained national notoriety when he was accidently shot by then Vice President Dick Cheney in a hunting accident. But evidently, it takes more than a shotgun to keep a determined Texan down